Whenever you report a claim to an Insurance Company, they are likely to appoint a Loss Adjuster to investigate the claim on their behalf. But did you know that you could appoint your own Loss Assessor to represent your interests in relation to the claim?
So what is the difference between a Loss Assessor and a Loss Adjuster?
What is a Loss Adjuster?

A Loss Adjuster is appointed by and paid for by the Insurance Company to act on their behalf in relation to the claim. Their role is to investigate the claim, confirm that it is covered by the policy, and determine how much should be paid in the settlement, and ultimately make savings for the Insurance Company. The Loss Adjuster will be your point of contact with the Insurance Company throughout the claims process.
The Adjuster will call to your home, inspect the damage, and question you about the how the loss occurred. They will also ask general questions about you and your home to ensure the correct policy was taken out with Insurers and your home is Insured sufficiently.
If the claim is complex, the Loss Adjuster may appoint Forensic Investigators, Engineers, etc. to investigate the claim further. These are just some of the resources that Insurers will use to reduce your claim, or even decline your claim completely.
What is a Loss Assessor?

A Loss Assessor works for the homeowner when making a claim. It is Loss Assessors job to look after every aspect of the claims process and ensure the claim gets paid. Once a Loss Assessor is engaged, they will report the claim to Insurers, arrange all inspections, look after all the paper work, submit a claim and negotiate the best possible settlement.
A Loss Assessor will survey the damage, take detailed moisture readings, quantify the damage and prepare a detailed bill of quantities to present to the Loss Adjuster. Once they receive a initial offer from the Adjuster, the Loss Assessor will review the offer to determine if everything has been included, and to current building rates. If the Loss Assessor is not satisfied, they will make a counter claim and continue to negotiate the claim until a fair settlement is obtained.
Loss Assessors are experts in dealing with insurance claims and understand every aspect of an insurance policy. They work for you to ensure you receive your full entitlement and undoubtingly will provide a higher settlement had you not engaged a Loss Assessor.
Why Engage Bedford Loss Assessors?
With almost 20 years of experience, Bedford Loss Assessors are experts in handling insurance claims. Having spent the first 10 years working as a Loss Adjuster before converting to a Loss Assessor, Conor Bedford has the unique insight into how the claims handling process works from both the perspective of the Insurance companies, as well as the homeowners.
Bedford Loss Assessors are regulated by the Central Bank Of Ireland and are members of the Insurance Institute of Ireland. We operate on a no settlement, no fee service and are happy to call out and discuss any potential claim with no obligations to engage us further.
We are happy to discuss any matter, so please give us a call to see if we can help.
Conor Bedford
B.Eng, CIP
mob: 086-4561679
email: conor@bedfordclaims.ie
